70 research outputs found

    Understanding the interaction between energetic ions and freestanding graphene towards practical 2D perforation

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    We report experimentally and theoretically the behavior of freestanding graphene subject to bombardment of energetic ions, investigating the ability of large-scale patterning of freestanding graphene with nanometer sized features by focused ion beam technology. A precise control over the He+ and Ga+ irradiation offered by focused ion beam techniques enables to investigate the interaction of the energetic particles and graphene suspended with no support and allows determining sputter yields of the 2D lattice. We find strong dependency of the 2D sputter yield on the species and kinetic energy of the incident ion beams. Freestanding graphene shows material semi-transparency to He+ at high energies (10-30 keV) allowing the passage of >97% He+ particles without creating destructive lattice vacancy. Large Ga+ ions (5-30 keV), in contrast, collide far more often with the graphene lattice to impart significantly higher sputter yield of ~50%. Binary collision theory applied to monolayer and few-layer graphene can successfully elucidate this collision mechanism, in great agreement with experiments. Raman spectroscopy analysis corroborates the passage of a large fraction of He+ ions across graphene without much damaging the lattice whereas several colliding ions create single vacancy defects. Physical understanding of the interaction between energetic particles and suspended graphene can practically lead to reproducible and efficient pattern generation of unprecedentedly small features on 2D materials by design, manifested by our perforation of sub-5-nm pore arrays. This capability of nanometer scale precision patterning of freestanding 2D lattices shows practical applicability of the focused ion beam technology to 2D material processing for device fabrication and integration.Comment: 31 pages of main text (with 4 figures) plus 4 pages of supporting information (with 2 figures). Original article submitted to a journal for consideration for publicatio

    Correlated Counting of Single Electrons in a Nanowire Double Quantum Dot

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    We report on correlated real-time detection of individual electrons in an InAs nanowire double quantum dot. Two self-aligned quantum point contacts in an underlying two-dimensional electron gas material serve as highly sensitive charge detectors for the double quantum dot. Tunnel processes of individual electrons and all tunnel rates are determined by simultaneous measurements of the correlated signals of the quantum point contacts.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures; http://stacks.iop.org/1367-2630/11/01300

    Strong lateral exchange coupling and current-induced switching in single-layer ferrimagnetic films with patterned compensation temperature

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    Strong, adjustable magnetic couplings are of great importance to all devices based on magnetic materials. Controlling the coupling between adjacent regions of a single magnetic layer, however, is challenging. In this work, we demonstrate strong exchange-based coupling between arbitrarily shaped regions of a single ferrimagnetic layer. This is achieved by spatially patterning the compensation temperature of the ferrimagnet by either oxidation or He+ irradiation. The coupling originates at the lateral interface between regions with different compensation temperature and scales inversely with their width. We show that this coupling generates large lateral exchange coupling fields and we demonstrate its application to control the switching of magnetically compensated dots with an electric current

    Spatially mapping thermal transport in graphene by an opto-thermal method

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    Mapping the thermal transport properties of materials at the nanoscale is of critical importance for optimizing heat conduction in nanoscale devices. Several methods to determine the thermal conductivity of materials have been developed, most of them yielding an average value across the sample, thereby disregarding the role of local variations. Here, we present a method for the spatially resolved assessment of the thermal conductivity of suspended graphene by using a combination of confocal Raman thermometry and a finite-element calculations-based fitting procedure. We demonstrate the working principle of our method by extracting the two-dimensional thermal conductivity map of one pristine suspended single-layer graphene sheet and one irradiated using helium ions. Our method paves the way for spatially resolving the thermal conductivity of other types of layered materials. This is particularly relevant for the design and engineering of nanoscale thermal circuits (e.g. thermal diodes)

    Measurement Back-Action in Quantum Point-Contact Charge Sensing

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    Charge sensing with quantum point-contacts (QPCs) is a technique widely used in semiconductor quantum-dot research. Understanding the physics of this measurement process, as well as finding ways of suppressing unwanted measurement back-action, are therefore both desirable. In this article, we present experimental studies targeting these two goals. Firstly, we measure the effect of a QPC on electron tunneling between two InAs quantum dots, and show that a model based on the QPC’s shot-noise can account for it. Secondly, we discuss the possibility of lowering the measurement current (and thus the back-action) used for charge sensing by correlating the signals of two independent measurement channels. The performance of this method is tested in a typical experimental setup.Swiss National Science Foundatio

    Fabrication, Characterization and Simulation of Sputtered Pt/In-Ga-Zn-O Schottky Diodes for Low-Frequency Half-Wave Rectifier Circuits

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    Amorphous In-Ga-Zn-O (IGZO) is a high-mobility semiconductor employed in modern thin-film transistors for displays and it is considered as a promising material for Schottky diode-based rectifiers. Properties of the electronic components based on IGZO strongly depend on the manufacturing parameters such as the oxygen partial pressure during IGZO sputtering and post-deposition thermal annealing. In this study, we investigate the combined effect of sputtering conditions of amorphous IGZO (In:Ga:Zn=1:1:1) and post-deposition thermal annealing on the properties of vertical thin-film Pt-IGZO-Cu Schottky diodes, and evaluated the applicability of the fabricated Schottky diodes for low-frequency half-wave rectifier circuits. The change of the oxygen content in the gas mixture from 1.64% to 6.25%, and post-deposition annealing is shown to increase the current rectification ratio from 10 5 to 10 7 at ±1 V, Schottky barrier height from 0.64 eV to 0.75 eV, and the ideality factor from 1.11 to 1.39. Half-wave rectifier circuits based on the fabricated Schottky diodes were simulated using parameters extracted from measured current-voltage and capacitance-voltage characteristics. The half-wave rectifier circuits were realized at 100 kHz and 300 kHz on as-fabricated Schottky diodes with active area of 200 μm × 200 μm, which is relevant for the near-field communication (125 kHz - 134 kHz), and provided the output voltage amplitude of 0.87 V for 2 V supply voltage. The simulation results matched with the measurement data, verifying the model accuracy for circuit level simulation

    Tunable quantum dots from atomically precise graphene nanoribbons using a multi-gate architecture

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    Atomically precise graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) are increasingly attracting interest due to their largely modifiable electronic properties, which can be tailored by controlling their width and edge structure during chemical synthesis. In recent years, the exploitation of GNR properties for electronic devices has focused on GNR integration into field-effect-transistor (FET) geometries. However, such FET devices have limited electrostatic tunability due to the presence of a single gate. Here, we report on the device integration of 9-atom wide armchair graphene nanoribbons (9-AGNRs) into a multi-gate FET geometry, consisting of an ultra-narrow finger gate and two side gates. We use high-resolution electron-beam lithography (EBL) for defining finger gates as narrow as 12 nm and combine them with graphene electrodes for contacting the GNRs. Low-temperature transport spectroscopy measurements reveal quantum dot (QD) behavior with rich Coulomb diamond patterns, suggesting that the GNRs form QDs that are connected both in series and in parallel. Moreover, we show that the additional gates enable differential tuning of the QDs in the nanojunction, providing the first step towards multi-gate control of GNR-based multi-dot systems

    Reconfigurable halide perovskite nanocrystal memristors for neuromorphic computing

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    Many in-memory computing frameworks demand electronic devices with specific switching characteristics to achieve the desired level of computational complexity. Existing memristive devices cannot be reconfigured to meet the diverse volatile and non-volatile switching requirements, and hence rely on tailored material designs specific to the targeted application, limiting their universality. “Reconfigurable memristors” that combine both ionic diffusive and drift mechanisms could address these limitations, but they remain elusive. Here we present a reconfigurable halide perovskite nanocrystal memristor that achieves on-demand switching between diffusive/volatile and drift/non-volatile modes by controllable electrochemical reactions. Judicious selection of the perovskite nanocrystals and organic capping ligands enable state-of-the-art endurance performances in both modes – volatile (2 × 106^{6} cycles) and non-volatile (5.6 × 103^{3} cycles). We demonstrate the relevance of such proof-of-concept perovskite devices on a benchmark reservoir network with volatile recurrent and non-volatile readout layers based on 19,900 measurements across 25 dynamically-configured devices